What Blocks the Enforcement of Chinese Foreign Anti-Bribery Law?
Alvis Xiong
In 1977, U.S. Congress enacted the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA), the first law specifically targeting at extraterritorial briberies to foreign public officials. Likewise, in 2011, China enacted a foreign anti-bribery provision, Criminal Law Article 164(2), which forbids “giving foreign public officials or international organization’s officials assets and properties in order to make improper business benefits.” However, although China did not totally ignore the provision, it is not substantially enforced.
The Chinese government did not totally ignore this enactment. For example, the Chinese Supreme Procuratorate once demonstrated interest to set rules about foreign anti-bribery.[1] Some huge SOEs (State Owned Enterprises) also set compliance programs for … Read the rest